Hey - I'm Debbie Gorin and am starting my first foray into blogging.

I do alot of research in creating my artworks - digitizing illuminated manuscrips 800 years old, kettubahs 400 years old and combining it with vintage stamps and israeli advertisements - cutting (YOU SEE THAT WHERE THE SCISSORS COME IN!!!!) them into homes and buildings that dot the landscape of Israel.
Sometimes I paint the backgrounds, or collage using old manuscripts - the pic above is called "The Mystical City" - each stamps or image is chosen carefully to correspond to the theme. Occasionally I throw in Pirkei Avot ( Ethics of our Fathers) which is basically a series of quotes handed down by the leaders of generations explaining the code of behavior and practices the Jewish nation should live by. Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pirkei_avot for more info. I used an old discarded toy megillah that my husband salvaged and brought home from synagogue one day. I try to make sure not to use materials that have the name of G-d in it as a point of respect.
I enjoy playing around with a variety of materials...that's the key - playing..when I play things come out great - when I'm worried or have to complete a commision is when I start having problems. So...I put on music and yell at myself to RELAX and some things clicks - don't you love it when things start happening!
Come join my trip into create Judaica that is anything but the usual...welcome to no running with scissors - judaica on the cutting edge!
Check out my site on Etsy @ www.etsy.com/shop/norunningwithscissor
Become a fan on facebook - search - no running with scissor
Got an idea???? Have a comment - want to share a story???? COMMENT!!!!
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