Just completed the finishing touches on my latest Purim canvas - "Simchat Purim". Purim has always been my absolute favorite holiday - how can you go wrong?? candy, parties...FUN!!!! For years I had a gift basket business and spent the time before creating hundreds of incredible themed gifts - on Purim day I just collapsed with sheer exhaustion! Today...not so much - but Hubby and I are planning to do our own "themed" mishloach manot - MOVIES and POPCORN!!! We procured these jumbo sized popcorn containers and plan on filling them with movie sized candy - and a DVD of course! Hubby has a collection of movies in the thousands - so this theme will not be a stretch for us in any way!
Living in NY I kinda miss the annual Purim Parade in Atlanta with all the kids - little and big dressing up and getting into the mood of the holiday. The trade off is being close to family and seeing my own nieces and nephews dress up on the actual day of Purim - I figure it sorta balances itself out. CHAG SAMEACH!!!!!
I love your cheerful post. Purim is such a fun holiday, but I've never been to a Purim Parade! Just parties. I'm looking forward to baking hamantash and should get started soon.
I want to get from you Debbie. Candy and DVD's, how great is that?! You are so amazingly creative. Miss you.
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